Did You Forget?

You loved me with your own twisted crooked way

I could feel your love

I accept it

and I tried to understand it

Hence I was willing to be caged by your so called love

You never went out with me

Everytime we went on a date

which was like three times a year,

All you ever showed me was that annoyed looked on your face

I gave you everything

Yes, I lied twice to get out of the cage

Just to take a breather

But I went back and asked for your forgiveness

just because I need to breathe the air outside that cage

Me tears should explain more than my words will ever be

How deep I have fallen for you

How much I loved you

Your lips talk about forgiveness

but you never forget

Never did once you forgive

Then you acted like you never changed

But behind my back you started a new journey

Never you called me before we sleep

Yet you spend the time calling her

You broke up with me saying that you’re bored with our relationship

And I believed wholeheartedly that I was to blame

If only I was caring enough

If only I was good enough

So many if’s

But after 2 weeks I discovered

With my own eyes

The betrayal you did

the ugly truth

Then I realized

No matter what I did

No matter what I said

It all mean shit to you

Because your so called love already gone long ago

You treated me really good once upon a time

You caged me with your so called love

And now you cast me aside like used goods

Make me believe that I was not good enough

Lying to my face

And didn’t even blink when you do it

Did you forget?

That you have a little sister?

What would you do if she fall for someone like you?

Did you forget?


But that’s how people are. Judging is human nature.

It’s in our genes, our blood.

We assume things about people without actually knowing anything about them.

We think of nasty things and stereotype people, not considering that these same people might have some goodness in them too.

And honestly? I don’t blame them.

I, myself, have judged unaccountable number of people. Intentionally or unintentionally, but I have anyway.

It’ll be hypocritical of me to lash out at these people for doing something I’ve done myself many times.

Quotes Of The Day #97

I’m about to make a wild, extreme, and severe relationship rule:

The word busy” is a load of crap and is most often used by assholes.

The word “busy” is the relationship’s Weapon Of Mass Destruction.

It seems like a good excuse, but in fact in every silo you uncover, all you’re going to find is a man who didn’t care enough to call.

Remember! Men are never too busy to get what they want.


Truth is, I get jealous easily because what’s mine IS mine.

I’m stubborn as hell,

I say sorry too much (sometimes),

I act like I don’t give a fuck because I care too much.

I over analyze the smallest things and probably come off as a bitch to simply guard myself..